What Can I Compost with Rust Belt Riders?




    • Dairy, including cheese rinds, spoiled milk

    • Meat, bones (of any size), bacon fat

    • Fruits, veggies (with the stickers removed)

    • Fish, seafood shells

    • Nuts, seeds, pits, and shells

    • Eggs and eggshells

    • Egg cartons (uncoated cardboard, labels removed, ripped into smaller pieces)

    • Pizza, pizza boxes (cardboard, ripped into smaller pieces)

    • Processed snack foods

    • Coffee grounds, filters, pods (BPI-certified only)

    • Tea, tea bags (staples and tags removed)

    • Sweets, including candy, chocolate, cookies, cake

    • Grains, including cereal, flour, pasta, rice

    • Cooked, baked, prepared foods

    • Moldy, spoiled, and expired foods

    • Pumpkins (OK during most of the year, but please bring them to our RBR collection event held after Halloween! Otherwise bins fill too fast that week)

    • Pet food


    • Flowers, bouquets, houseplants (wires and ribbons removed)

    • Toothpicks, popsicle sticks, chopsticks, small wood fruit containers (uncoated, untreated)

    • Cotton balls (natural, no bodily fluids or chemicals)

    • Raw wool, feathers (natural, undyed)

    • Corks (natural)

    • Berry containers (blue cardboard/fiberboard)


    • Pizza boxes (cardboard, ripped into smaller pieces)

    • Paper towels, napkins, tissues (white or natural, food-soiled only, no bodily fluids or chemicals)

    • Toilet paper rolls, paper towel rolls (ripped up)

    • Newspaper (one or two sheets as a can liner–recycle the rest!)

    • Paper bags (brown, uncoated)

    • Paper plates (non-glossy only!)

    • Compostable plastic bags, liners (BPI-certified only)

    • Compostable service ware, takeout containers, cups, plates (BPI-certified only)



    • Produce stickers

    • Cooking oil (in large quantities)

    • Wrappers, packaging


    • Yard waste, grass clippings

    • Plastic bags

    • Pet feces, animal bedding

    • Human waste, diapers

    • Pills, medications, vitamins, supplements

    • Nails, hair (pet or human)

    • Q-Tips

    • Rubber bands, twist ties

    • Styrofoam

    • Plastic cups, Straws

    • Metal

    • Plastic


    • Paper towels (contaminated with cleaning chemicals or soap)

    • Parchment paper, wax paper

    • Printer paper, junk mail

    • Shredded paper

    • Shiny/colorful cardboard boxes


    Single-use “compostable” products

    must be BPI-certified to go in our bins!

    BPI is a third-party non-profit that vets single-use “compostable” items to make sure they break down fully and safely in compost piles and do not have any harmful chemicals.

    Find products!

  • Search online to see if your brand is BPI certified, or look for your brand on the BPI website: bpiworld.org

    • You can also search their website for products!

    • For example, you can search “forks,” and it will generate a list of acceptable, BPI certified compostable fork brands!

    If you do not see your item on this list or have any other questions, contact us directly at info@rustbeltriders.com.