Drop-Off Location Details

Locations listed in alphabetical order.


Avon Lake, Avon Lake City Building Department

750 Avon belden Road, Avon Lake, OH 44012

Enter Building department by turning west into the parking lot from Avon-Belden Road.

Bins are in the north west quadrant of the area by the public hummus access.


Bay Village West, Bay Lodge

492 Bradley Rd, Bay Village, OH 44140

Enter the lot to the west off of Bradley, turning north past the back of the lodge.

Bins are in the north east corner next to the fence.

Bay Village East, Reese Park

586 Clague Rd, Bay Village, OH 44140

Enter the South parking lot driving towards the basketball and tennis courts.

Bins are around the corner to the right in the auxiliary lot parking.

Look for Recycling container.


Bellaire-Puritas - Jefferson-Puritas CDC

14703 Puritas Ave, Cleveland, OH 44135

Bins are in the parking lot by the dumpster enclosure.


Berea, Berea Community Learning Farm

224 Emerson Ave, Berea, OH 44017

Turn onto Emmerson from Rocky River Drive. Turn onto Wesley Drive to go past Mt. Zion Baptist Church and turn left into the parking lot. Drive very slowly through the church parking lot and into the Farm Parking.

*Bins will be on the north perimeter of the parking lot, to the left of the Pine Trees.

When traveling to this CSC location, please be mindful of the surrounding neighborhood and always obey traffic laws.


brecksville - metroparks brecksville nature center

9000 chippewa creek drive brecksville ohio 44141

Navigate to the Harriet Keeler Area Parking Lot/ Nature Center Parking Lot by way of Chippewa Creek Drive.

Bins are located on the West side of the parking lot adjacent to the recycling containers.

Please leave the site better than you found it and remember to re-lock the locks.


Brecksville-BROADVIEW HEIGHTS, Elementary School

3500 Oaks Road. Brecksville, Ohio 44141



6638 Mill Road. Brecksville, Ohio 44141


Chagrin falls, Lowe’s greenhouse

1654 Chillothie road chagrin falls, oh 44023

Enter lot by way of Chillicothe Rd.

Continue straight back to the end of the pavement.

Bins are in the southeast corner of the parking lot.


Cleveland - Fairfax Rec. Center

2335 E 82nd St. Cleveland, OH 44104

Enter the parking lot from E. 83rd Street.

Bins are along the front face of the building on the left-hand side.



7401 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 44103

Turn onto 75th street from Euclid.

*Bins will be on the Northeast perminiter of the parking lot.

When traveling to this CSC location, please be mindful of the surrounding neighborhood and always obey traffic laws.

Cleveland Heights, Church of the Saviour

2537 Lee Road cleveland Heights Ohio

Easiest entry point is to turn onto Bradford from Lee Road and then again into the North Parking lot. Bins are in the Southeast Corner of the lot.

Please note: Lot is NOT attached to the main church lot. It is a separate lot to the left of the building when you are facing it from Lee Road.

Cleveland Heights, Euclid Heights BOULEVARD

2837 Euclid Heights Blvd.

Enter the side parking lot on the north side of Euclid Heights Blvd. Bins are immediately to the right near the clothing donation bins.

Location Note: This is the side parking lot that is attached to Marc’s main parking lot. It is easiest to access the bins from the Euclid Heights Blvd. entrance across from the PEACE park.

Collinwood, waterloo arts district

16010 Waterloo Road, Cleveland Ohio 44110

Turn south into the parking lot across the street from Brick Ceramic + Design Studio

Bins are on the south side of the parking lot beneath the billboard.


cuyahoga heights - metroparks canalway nature center

4524 E 49th St, Cuyahoga Heights, OH 44125

Enter the Metroparks CanalWay Center from East 49th Street. Drive slowly down the street watching out for pedestrian and bike traffic.

Bins are located in the North East corner of the parking lot next to the recycling containers.

Please leave the site better than you found it and remember to re-lock the locks.


detroit shoreway, legacy garden

1366 w 74th street, cleveland, oh 44102

Turn onto West 74th Street by way of Detroit Avenue.

Turn left onto Rutledge.

Bins are just behind the food pantry stand at the edge of the garden.


Downtown, RBR Headquarters

2701 St. Clair Ave. NE Cleveland, OH 44114

Bring us your food scraps and say hello to the team!

Located on Saint Clair Avenue between East 27th and East 30th Street.

Bins are located outside on the east side of the parking area.


Fairview Park, fairview park city hall

20777 Lorain Rd. Cleveland, OH 44126

Turn onto Fairpark Drive by way of Lorain Road.

Make a left to enter lot behind City Hall- the third entrance on the left at the white fence.

Make a right and continue to fence labeled "Restricted Area"

Bins are located in the southwest quadrant of the parking lot.


Glenville - Glenville Rec. Center

680 E 113th St. Cleveland, OH 44108

Enter from Lakeview Avenue (do NOT enter from E. 113th Street! Site is only accessible from the back of the building off of Lakeview Ave.).

Bins will be immediately to your left at the bottom of the small hill of the parking lot entrance.


Hough - Thurgood Marshall Rec. Center

8611 Hough Ave, Cleveland, OH 44106

Enter from Hough Avenue. Continue to larger parking area.

Bins will be immediately to your left at the beginning of that larger lot.


KaMm’s Corners

15460 Triskett Rd, Cleveland, OH 44111

Enter off of Triskett.

Drive towards the garage. Bins are on the side of the four bay garage.


Lakewood, Lakewood Park

14710 Lake Ave. Cleveland, Oh 44117

Enter lot of Oldest Stone House Museum of the Lakewood Historical Society (same as the skate park) by way of Lake Avenue.

Bins are along the east edge of the lot, near the small restroom building.


lakewood, Madison Park, South Parking Lot

13201 Madison Ave. Lakewood, OH 44107

Enter lot from Athens Avenue.

Drive or walk all the way to the north end of the parking lot.

Bins are located on the northwest side of the lot, nearest the baseball field.


Larchmere - Big Al’s Diner

12600 Larchmere Blvd, Cleveland, OH 44120

Bins are located in the Southeast corner of the parking lot. You may use either lot entrance to approach the bins.

Please be careful when driving towards the bins, as patrons are frequently walking through the lot.


Lee-Miles - Frederick Douglass Rec. Center

15401 Miles Ave, Cleveland, OH 44128

Bins are located near the dumpster enclosure in front of the building, near the demonstration city playground.

Metroparks Composting Program with Rust Belt Riders at the North Chagrin Nature Center in Mayfield or Highland Heights

mayfield - metroparks north chagrin nature center

401 buttermilk falls parkway WilloughbY, OH 44094

Drive to the North Chagrin Reservation Parking lot.

Bins are located in the North East corner of the parking lot adjacent to the reycling containers.

Please leave the site better than you found it and remember to re-lock the locks.


Mayfield Village, Mayfield Civic Center

6622 Wilson Mills Rd. Mayfield, OH 44143

Turn into the Civic Center Parking lot from Wilson Mills.

Bins are located in the Southwest Corner of the parking lot.

Metroparks Composting Program with Rust Belt Riders at the Watershed Stewardship Center in Parma

Parma - Metroparks West Creek Reservation

2277 west ridgewood dr. parma, oh 44134

Enter Kordiak Road from West Ridgewood Rive.

Drive all the way to to the Watershed Stewardship Center parking lot.

Bins are in the North West corner of the paved parking lot.


Ohio City, Phoenix Coffee on Bridge

3000 Bridge Ave. Cleveland, OH 44113

Enter lot from Bridge Avenue.

The bins are on the west side of the building immediately after entering the lot.



29600 Emery Rd. chagrin falls, oh 44022

Turn Right into the parking lot off Emery Road.

The bins are on the North East side of the parking lot adjacent to the Leaf Compost Bay.


OLD BROOKLYN, Six Shooter Coffee

4193 Pearl Rd. Cleveland, Ohio 44109

Can are located in the large rear parking lot of this location.

Take pearl road to Broadview. Turn onto Broadview, then turn right onto 33rd. Drive past the senior garden and turn right into the large parking lot. Continue straight.

Bins are on corral next to the large blue dumpster.


rocky river, Rocky River city hall

21012 Hilliard Blvd. cleveland, oh 44116

Enter lot by way of Wagar Road and continue straight until the stop sign.

Make a right and then continue straight until the curve to the left.

Follow curve and make an immediate right into lot with paper recycling dumpsters.

Bins are located east of the recycling dumpsters.


shaker heights south, The dealership

3558 Lee rd. shaker heights, oh 44120

Enter lot to right of building by way of Lee Road (between Lewis Electronics & The Dealership).

Continue straight back until the end of the lot.

Bins are located in the northwest corner of the parking lot.


shaker heights north, nature center at shaker lakes

2600 south park blvd. cleveland, oh 44120

Enter Shaker Lakes Nature Center lot by way of South Park Boulevard.

Continue straight to end of the turn around.

Bins are located inside the wooden enclosure with the Rust Belt Riders sign on it.


Shaker Heights, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Cleveland

21600 Shaker Blvd. Shaker Heights, OH 44122

Enter Unitarian Universalist Congregation parking lot by way of West Belvoir Oval.

Continue past the paper recycling bins at the west end of the solar panel pavilion.

Bins located on the west side of the main parking lot.


Slavic Village - Slavic Village CDC

5620 Broadway Ave, Cleveland, OH 44127

Enter from Dolloff Road into the large parking lot in the back of the building.

Bins are located against the brick wall near the entrance on the left end of the building.


SOlon, Solon Community Park (now open!)

6679 SOM Ctr Rd, Solon, OH 44139

Enter from Som Center Road.

Turn left immediately. The bins at located on the left edge of the lot.


South Euclid, Bexley Park

Charlton Road Enterance to Bexley Park

Felton Rd South Euclid OH 44121

Enter western-most entrance off of Miramar Boulevard or Felton Road.

Bins are at the end of the lot next to the dumpster enclosure.


Tremont, Visible Voice

2258 Professor Ave cleveland, oh 44113

Enter the driveway from Professor Ave.

The bins are in the Southwest corner of the parking lot.


University Heights, Walter Stinson Community Park

2307 sAYBROOK Rd, University Heights, OH 44118

Enter Parking lot from Silsby Road

Bins are in the Southwest Corner of the Parking Lot against the fence


Westlake - Westlake porter public library

27333 Center ridge Road Westlake, ohio

Enter the parking lot from Center Ridge Road and drive towards the book drop off drive through.

Bins are located in the side parking lot.


Woodland Hills - Zelma Watson George Rec. Center

3155 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr, Cleveland, OH 44104

Bins are located along the front face of the building, on the right side towards MLK Jr. Drive.